peace is of me

Monday, June 9, 2014

Journal Entry: Words

I wish I could put words on my feelings right now, but words don’t seem to do me any justice. As of lately, words just do not seem to suffice. Usually, if I write or talk long enough I can makes some sense out of whatever situation I’m in. But lately, words only take me in circles. This is forcing me to understand the timeless cliché “actions speak louder than words” on a whole nutha (yes, nutha) level.

As humans, we are naturally control freaks. We want to be in command over whatever or whoever comes, leaves, or stays in our lives. We want to be able to make sense out of everything, even when it doesn’t make sense. We want to control the pace of our life. Undoubtedly, we do hold a lot of power over how our lives are played out and we must recognize our power and know that our life is our responsibility. But, it is more important to know and connect with a higher power, who ultimately has the final say-so.

It’s not always necessary to talk your way out of problems. It’s okay to say, “I don’t know.” You can be the smartest person in the world, and still not know everything. It’s easier to quit trying to makes sense out of everything all the time, and take action by simply leaning on God’s understanding.

Words are beautiful. Words can heal, teach, express love and share stories. But, words don’t know it all.
I love you to peace,
Ebony Ross

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